Sam says you should read this
This blog was created with the BlogFile software, written by Samuel Levy.

You can find Sam on Google + and LinkedIn.

About BlogFile

Isn't Wordpress just too much? Drupal is worse, and Joomla! is about on par. All I want is a simple place to put my thoughts.

I don't want plugins, or other users. I just want to write what's in my mind, add some simple markup/markdown, and move on to the next thing that I'm doing.

So I built BlogFile.

It's a single PHP file which powers a blog. This blog in particular, and your blog, if you'd like. It's single-user; has a simple design (I'm no designer); supports comments, blog posts, and pages; allows you to style your posts with a simple markup; and doesn't take up much space. The default install is only about 3000 lines of PHP including comments, whitespace, all the HTML templates, and the MySQL schema to install it. the best bit is that all of this is in a single file.

You can even install several copies of BlogFile right next to each other, in the same folder, on the same database, and they're all kept separate and self contained.

So what about licencing? I released it on the WTFPL so pretty much... do what the fuck you want.

This is what blogfile needs:

  • MySQL
  • PHP 5+ (with mysqli extension)
  • A web server like Apache
  • Write permissions (only during the install, and you can get by without them)

That's pretty much it.

I built a basic template engine, and all the templates are in the top half of the file. Go hog wild! Just keep in mind that the code expects there to be particular open slots in some templates, and that forms return specific fields. Other than that, you're free to skin it.

The project is on github, so if you have a bug fix, feel free to send em a pull request. If you want to add a new feature to the core system, you best be really convincing that it's worth it, because "simple" is pretty much the main design goal here. Or you could fork your own project and add all the junk you want to it.