Sam says you should read this
This blog was created with the BlogFile software, written by Samuel Levy.

You can find Sam on Google + and LinkedIn.

Things I've been an 'expert' on

Over the last six or seven years, I've found myself having to be an 'expert' on a large range of topics that I had never thought I would need to know. Here's a list (in no particular order) of all the things that I can remember having to be an expert on:

  • Accounting
  • Carbon trading
  • Dental nursing
  • Fijian resorts
  • Customer management
  • Medical equipment
  • Carbon certificate reconciliation
  • Architecture
  • Student examination
  • International flight paths
  • Warehouse management
  • Stock markets
  • E-commerce
  • News publishing
  • Supermarket registers
  • Time tracking
  • Invoice management
  • Multinational corporation office hierarchies
  • Community bui…

Google Chrome, Mint/Ubuntu, and a Fullscreen bug

This will be another little "Here's how to fix it" for people who run into the same problem that I just encountered.

So there's a reasonably well reported problem which seems to show up in Chrome under Ubuntu or Mint (probably other distros, too, but I wouldn't know for sure).

Chrome can get 'stuck' in full screen mode. I'm not sure why (and neither is anyone else by my reading), but it won't respond to the F11 key, or clicking on the helpful "Leave Fullscreen Mode" link that appears at the top of the screen. Restarting chrome, restarting Gnome, or restarting your computer seem to have no effec…

Captcha-less spam protection

I've been running blogfile for a fair while now. I've got over 20 blog posts here, some of which have gotten (and continue to get) reasonable amounts of attention. The result is that I've also had several thousand comments.

If someone were to go through the posts though, they may be tempted to call me a liar. "I can only count about 100 comments!" they might say. "Several thousand sounds like a massive stretch!"

Well, it's not. But luckily for you, you can't actually see most of the comments. That's because they're spam.

"You must be very vigilant, quickly flagging or deleting these spam comment…

Hacking the future (The Internet will be just fine)

I'm not too concerned about the future of the internet, because the disruptors, the tinkerers, and the people who really know how to make things work are, by and large, on the side of freedom (of code, of access, and of thought).

The people who really want to lock-down and control technology generally aren't the ones who know the most about it - even if they're the ones who create it; someone obsessive will find out more. What's more, they'll do it not for money, nor fame, nor influence, but because it's fun.

The hackers of this world are tinkerers. They want to understand how things work, and …

I might be an arsehole, but at least I'm not wrong.

Preface: This is purely speculation. I may well be wrong, and I surely don't have any facts, statistics, or studies to back me up. Everything is purely anecdotal, and very largely generalised. That being said, I feel that it does reflect a real issue within many internet communities, that really does need to change.

I'm an arsehole. I've been told so many times. But at least I'm right, and that's the most important thing, isn't it? The only thing that's as bad as being wrong is not knowing, and no-one will ever accuse me of that. You see, I posses the powers of Google, and Wikipedia. I "know" …